Visits to a dentist can cause severe stress for anyone. Dental anxiety plagues one in 7 people, triggering extreme distress and panic even at the thought of sitting in a dental chair.
What Causes Dental Anxiety?
Dental anxiety, dentophobia is caused by learned fear. These levels of dental anxiety are typically based on traumatic experiences, shocking media, or stories from acquaintances. Many let fear of the unknown costs add to their stress and even keep them from preventative care, which later risks health problems.
Dental-phobic patients feel excessively nervous about dental treatment (including local anesthetic injections), the dental office environment, or the dental hygienists themselves.
The most common concerns about dental visits involve physical triggers such as needles, internal triggers like a loss of control during anesthesia, fear of pain, or the vulnerability of having your personal space invaded by a dentist.
If this dread is persistent and intense enough to extend beyond your voluntary control, it may qualify as odontophobia (dental phobia ), which requires a strategic treatment plan.