Tongue-Tie: Definition, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition where the tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth (the lingual frenulum) is shorter or thicker than usual. A tongue-tie limits movement of the tongue, causing problems in both children and adults. Tongue-tie is present from birth. In fact, most tongue-ties are […]

Sleep Apnea Test: 2 Types, What To Expect, & Treatment

Sleep apnea isn’t just robbing you of a good night’s sleep. It can contribute to serious medical conditions, like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Sleep apnea also affects your dental health, causing cavities and periodontal disease, among other issues. Because sleep apnea has such severe side effects, it’s imperative to catch and diagnose […]

What Causes Sleep Apnea? Lifestyle, Genetics, & Other Risks

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by shallow or no breathing for short periods of time. It’s often referred to as “sleep-disordered breathing.” Sleep apnea is dangerous because the brain and other parts of the body don’t get enough oxygen when breathing is interrupted, which may lead to lasting damage. It’s essential to have […]

Nocturia/Nocturnal Polyuria [Symptoms, Causes, Treatments]

Nocturia is a condition that causes you to wake up at night to urinate. In cases of nocturnal polyuria, up to ⅓ of urine output happens overnight. Nocturia may be caused by an overactive bladder, sleep apnea, or other factors like lifestyle and health conditions. Treating nocturia symptoms typically involves restricting fluid intake and the […]

What is AHI in sleep apnea? [Measurements + Treatment]

Apnea-hypopnea index, or AHI, is a widely used measurement to determine the presence and sleep apnea severity in an individual. Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder that impacts millions of people around the world. Your AHI plays a significant part in diagnosing and treating sleep apnea. Let’s look at some stats, risk factors, and […]

How to Stop Grinding Teeth & Jaw Clenching [7 Remedies]

Stress. If you’re reading this article, you’re probably struggling with it in some way. Not only can stress cause jaw clenching and teeth grinding, but grinding the teeth and clenching the jaw can also lead to stress and discomfort. It’s certainly a cycle and not an easy one to break. You may even grind your […]

Airway Anatomy [Functions, Child vs. Adult, Pictures & More]

The airway anatomy is a vital part of your body, and its proper functioning is of the utmost importance. It consists of the nose and lungs, obviously. But do you know what the pharynx does? Below, we talk about the structure and function of various parts of your airway anatomy — AKA, your respiratory tract. […]

What is the DNA appliance? Benefits for Sleep Apnea & TMJ

The DNA appliance is an oral device that offers gradual, natural, safe, and pain-free relief for sleep apnea and TMJ disorder. The DNA is a must-have for all-natural dental care and oral health.  The DNA appliance is the only true treatment for the root cause of sleep apnea, which is often caused by the tongue […]

Why do people grind their teeth? 10 Causes of Bruxism

People grind their teeth because of various underlying causes. Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a very common medical condition that may point to more serious problems. Symptoms of bruxism include: Worn tooth enamel Tooth damage, in severe cases Tooth sensitivity Broken teeth Damage to dental restorations Facial pain Headaches Earache Jaw pain and soreness Sore jaw […]

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea [Side Effects and more]

Many hidden dangers of sleep apnea are mostly unknown. Sure, it’s easy to find the symptoms of sleep apnea, but what about the long-term side effects? An estimated 9% to 26% of adults in America suffer from sleep apnea, and many cases go undiagnosed. Since untreated sleep apnea can lead to major long-term side effects, […]