Mercury is a type of toxic heavy metal that exists in different forms in the environment (elemental, organic, and inorganic). Mercury poisoning refers to toxicity from mercury consumption.
Regular vs. Toxic Mercury Exposure
Everyone has a small amount of mercury in their body, and these typically low levels of mercury often cause no lasting problems.
However, some people may have higher than usual levels from eating fish and shellfish, using mercury-containing cosmetics, or working somewhere they experience occupational exposure. But many average people are exposed to mercury by dental amalgam. Dental amalgam releases low levels of mercury in vapor form.
Exposure to high levels of elemental mercury vapor (found in thermometers and light bulbs) will result in neurotoxic side effects in human health, particularly in the brain and central nervous system. The World Health Organization says that behavioural disorders may be observed after inhalation of different mercury compounds.
Health effects from mercury exposure depend on the volume and form of mercury an individual takes in and the person’s specific characteristics, such as age and pregnancy status. People who grind their teeth are at a higher risk of mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings due to the frequent, immense pressure they may exert on those fillings.
Furthermore, exposure to methylmercury is of grave concern for young children and unborn babies because their nervous systems are still underdeveloped.