Sleep Apnea Diagnosis: Do I have Sleep Apnea?

Ever wonder why you snore? Why your breath is always terrible in the morning? Why your immune system seems unable to fight off illness, even though you’re eating well and exercise? You may want to talk to your doctor about a sleep apnea diagnosis. When you have sleep apnea, your airflow is obstructed or slowed […]

How to Stop Grinding Teeth in Your Sleep [10 Treatments]

Teeth grinding is a condition in which you clench your teeth together with your jaw muscles for various reasons. Grinding your teeth leads to dental problems, facial pain, headaches, and other symptoms. About 16% of adults suffer from nighttime teeth grinding, though I expect there are millions of undiagnosed grinders. You can stop teeth grinding […]

Sleep Apnea in Children: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Sleep apnea in children is a silent epidemic. Though not contagious, sleep apnea in children is surprisingly common and often misdiagnosed as ADHD. It’s estimated that 20% of adults in the United States suffer from sleep apnea, many of whom are undiagnosed. However, the number of children who experience sleep apnea is likely much higher, […]

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Symptoms, Causes, & Remedies

Millions of Americans suffer from bruxism. However, what many people don’t realize is that teeth grinding isn’t all about stress — it’s frequently a symptom of a sleep disorder. What is bruxism? Bruxism is a condition in which people grind, clench, or gnash their teeth. It is also known as teeth grinding, or simply “grinding”. […]

Sleep Deprivation: Effects on the Body, Signs & Prevention

Are you getting your full 8 hours of sleep? If not, you’re most likely suffering from the dangerous effects of sleep deprivation. According to leading health agencies, around 20% of adults and children in the United States have chronic sleep deprivation or health conditions that lead to similar sleep disorders. My assumption is that this […]

Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors & Treatments

Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder that impacts millions of people around the world. When you have trouble breathing while asleep, your cardiovascular system, immune system, and overall health will — not may — suffer. An estimated 20% of American adults suffer from sleep apnea, many of them undiagnosed. When your airway is obstructed, […]