The Mouth-Body Connection: Unlocking Excellent Health

Your mouth is the gateway to your body. The food you eat comes in through your mouth, and many pathogens enter the body through the mouth, too. Poor oral health can lead to an entire suite of health problems throughout the body, including many chronic health issues. If you want overall wellness, you can’t neglect […]

Tongue-Tie: Definition, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition where the tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth (the lingual frenulum) is shorter or thicker than usual. A tongue-tie limits movement of the tongue, causing problems in both children and adults. Tongue-tie is present from birth. In fact, most tongue-ties are […]

What Is Laser Dentistry? Costs, Benefits, & How It Works

For most people, the dreaded part of dental work is the drilling and the numbing shots that last for hours. Here’s the good news: there are better options! It’s possible to treat cavities and other oral health problems naturally without dental drills or toxic chemicals. Using lasers, your dentist can do many traditional dental procedures. […]

Biomimetic Dentistry: What It Means, Benefits, & Materials

Biomimetic dentistry is a branch of restorative dentistry that uses treatments to maintain and save the natural tooth structure using materials that mimic your natural teeth. Biomimetic dentists actively work to avoid damaging the tooth structure with certain procedures. Like biological dentistry, biomimetic dentistry avoids using toxic materials to treat dental problems. Biomimetic dentistry uses […]

Sleep Apnea Test: 2 Types, What To Expect, & Treatment

Sleep apnea isn’t just robbing you of a good night’s sleep. It can contribute to serious medical conditions, like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Sleep apnea also affects your dental health, causing cavities and periodontal disease, among other issues. Because sleep apnea has such severe side effects, it’s imperative to catch and diagnose […]

Cone Beam CT: How It’s Used And What to Expect

Cone beam computed tomography (cone beam CT, or CBCT) is an advanced x-ray that allows clinicians to take a 3D image of the mouth. Unlike a standard dental x-ray, cone beam CT also images the soft tissues of the mouth, including the gums, tongue, and nerves. Dental cone beam computed tomography is a non-invasive way […]

Ozone Dental Treatment: A Non-Invasive, Natural Therapy

Ozone dental treatment is a natural, non-invasive therapy for many common dental problems. This therapy uses either pure ozone, ozonated water, or ozonated oil to safely kill microorganisms in the mouth and treat minor tooth decay (also known as dental caries). What are the benefits of ozone treatment? The benefits of ozone treatment are eliminating […]

What Causes Sleep Apnea? Lifestyle, Genetics, & Other Risks

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by shallow or no breathing for short periods of time. It’s often referred to as “sleep-disordered breathing.” Sleep apnea is dangerous because the brain and other parts of the body don’t get enough oxygen when breathing is interrupted, which may lead to lasting damage. It’s essential to have […]

Oral Cancer Screening: Early Symptoms and How To Detect

Oral cancer is a type of head and neck cancer found in the oral cavity and the oropharynx (oropharyngeal cancer). The oral cavity encompasses most of the mouth, including your: Lips Gums Cheeks Most of the tongue (front ⅔) The hard roof of your mouth (hard palate) The floor of the mouth under the tongue […]

Tooth Meridian Chart: Is It Legit? What Is It Good For?

You may have heard that tooth meridian charts can explain why you’re having specific health problems. It’s tempting to believe that a simple dental procedure could cure an ongoing chronic illness. But is there any truth to the tooth meridian chart? And what is a meridian chart, anyway? The tooth meridian chart derives from the […]