How Much Are Dental Implants? Full Cost Breakdown

Getting dental implants is a permanent tooth replacement option, especially compared to more temporary options like traditional dentures. The up-front cost is high and not fully covered by insurance, but it’s an investment for better dental care. Dental implants replace missing teeth. More than other artificial tooth options, implants look, feel, and work most like […]

Halitosis: Definition, Causes, and Remedies

Most people get bad breath from time to time. It’s a common problem that can cause embarrassment, anxiety, and problems in relationships. Individuals often don’t realize they have it, so it’s best to ask a close friend or family member if you’re wondering for yourself. Halitosis (bad breath) might indicate poor oral hygiene, tobacco use, […]

Is chewing gum bad for you? [Pros and Cons]

Chewing gum is not always bad for you. However, constant chewing may lead to jaw problems, like TMJ disorder. Also, the sugar content in chewing gum can contribute to tooth decay and even gum disease. What does chewing gum do to your body? For some people, chewing gum can improve focus, reduce stress, and eliminate […]

Tonsil stones: causes, effective treatments & home remedies


What are tonsil stones? Tonsil stones, medically known as tonsilloliths, are small, troublesome formations that can develop on your tonsils, causing unpleasant symptoms like bad breath, throat discomfort, and difficulty swallowing. Treating tonsil stones can involve various approaches, such as saltwater gargles, antibiotics, or, in severe instances, surgical removal. It’s surprising to learn that nearly […]

Tonsil Stones: Causes, Effective Treatments & Home Remedies

IN THIS ARTICLE What are tonsil stones? How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones At Home When should I see a healthcare provider about my tonsil stones? Diagnosing Tonsil Stones Tonsil Stone Treatments [At the Doctor + Dentist] How To Prevent Tonsil Stones Have recurring dental health issues? Get to the root. Tonsil stones are […]

Charcoal Toothpaste for Teeth Whitening & Oral Health

Charcoal is a growing trend in skin care and, more recently, oral care, leaving many wondering about the science behind activated charcoal. Celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Kristin Cavallari have endorsed activated charcoal toothpaste (also called “black toothpaste”) to whiten teeth. Commonly found in water filters, activated charcoal is a fine carbon powder made from […]

11 Bad Foods For Teeth (And What To Eat Instead)

Nutrition impacts your oral health, as well as your whole-body health. Many foods and drinks can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums. Your oral health is essential, so avoid these harmful foods, or at least make the time to rinse out your mouth after consuming them. What foods are the worst for your teeth? […]

Dry Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Home Remedies

What is dry mouth? Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a common condition in which your oral cavity lacks moisture. It sounds like no big deal, but persistent dry mouth can cause serious health problems throughout the body. Also called xerostomia, untreated dry mouth can lead to trouble swallowing, halitosis, tooth decay, oral thrush, and gut problems. […]

Receding Gums: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Receding gums are usually a sign of gum disease (including gingivitis and periodontitis) and are typically not reversible. In extreme cases, you’ll need gum graft surgery to restore your receded gums. Over 50% of American adults experience some level of receding gums. Although poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of gum recession, other […]

What white tongue means & what to do about it

White tongue is a health condition in which a white coating grows on part or all of your tongue’s surface. Bad breath, hairy tongue, irritation, and a burning sensation may accompany white spots on the tongue. Even though a white tongue may look unattractive, it’s typically not severe and goes away on its own. On […]