How Your Oral Health Impacts Your Heart Health

Yes, oral health impacts your heart health. Bad teeth can cause heart problems and gum disease may lead to cardiovascular disease. Lack of dental care (e.g., not brushing your teeth) could even result in higher cholesterol. Let’s break all that down and dig into the science. If you’re looking for a dentist who believes in […]

Periodontitis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment Options

Periodontitis is a severe gum disease that starts as inflammation in the gums. It can quickly worsen to cause a variety of oral health problems, including tooth loss, if left untreated. Oral hygiene is the best preventative care to keep periodontitis and its symptoms at bay. Those same steps ensure strong teeth and healthy gum […]

9 Vitamins & Minerals for Healthy Teeth

Nutrition is a key component of good oral health, and a diet rich in minerals and vitamins can promote  healthy teeth and prevent gum disease. What is the best vitamin for teeth? The best vitamins for teeth are: Calcium Phosphorus Potassium Zinc Vitamin A B vitamins Vitamin C Vitamin K These vitamins and minerals all […]

Can Banana Peels Give You a Brighter Smile?

Rubbing the underside of a banana peel on your teeth can brighten your smile, according to some social media influencers and online bloggers. Unfortunately, not according to science. There are ways to safely whiten your teeth. But banana peels have no teeth whitening properties besides that of a napkin — you can wipe a little […]

Oil Pulling for Dental Health: How it Works & How to Do It

Oil pulling is a practice based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine where you swish coconut oil around your mouth for improved dental health. Other oils are occasionally used, such as sunflower oil or sesame oil. The science behind oil pulling is primarily based on coconut oil’s known properties. Coconut oil has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits […]

Should You Brush Your Teeth Before or After Breakfast?

You should brush your teeth before breakfast and simply rinse your mouth out after breakfast. There are multiple ways to properly brush your teeth, but this order is the simplest solution while also avoiding harmful practices, like brushing your teeth while there are acidic food particles or drink residues on your teeth. The American Dental […]

Mewing: What Is It & Does It Work?

Mewing is a DIY tongue placement technique meant to restructure your jaw. This not-so-new craze is named after Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist who was recently stripped of his credentials by the General Dental Council. According to his followers, Dr. John Mew and his son Dr. Mike Mew are battling against mainstream orthodontic juggernauts […]

11 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay Naturally

Tooth decay leads to dental cavities, which are near impossible to cure. Tooth decay may be associated with whole-body health conditions, like heart disease and dementia. Read more about the connection between your oral health and whole-body health with this in-depth book: The Mouth-Body Connection. Instead of treating tooth decay with costly dentist visits, you […]

How Sugar Indirectly Causes Cavities

Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Yes. Sugars feed the harmful bacteria in your mouth which process those sugars into acids that slowly cause cavities in your teeth. Every reasonable dentist and researcher agrees that sugar is horrible for your teeth. However, the details are more complex. The balance of bacteria in your oral microbiome heavily influences […]

Is Milk Good For Your Teeth? Facts & Precautions

Milk is good for healthy teeth and bones and one of the easiest ways to get about a third of your recommended daily dose of calcium. What are the benefits of milk for teeth? There are quite a few benefits of milk for teeth. Milk is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals like […]