Safe Mercury Fillings Removal [Process + How to Detox]

Millions of Americans are looking for safe mercury fillings removal. A qualified dentist can consult you on whether it is in your best interest to remove the mercury fillings — mainly because the removal process exposes you to a lot of mercury vapor, even compared to leaving them in. If you are a good candidate […]

Airway Anatomy [Functions, Child vs. Adult, Pictures & More]

The airway anatomy is a vital part of your body, and its proper functioning is of the utmost importance. It consists of the nose and lungs, obviously. But do you know what the pharynx does? Below, we talk about the structure and function of various parts of your airway anatomy — AKA, your respiratory tract. […]

Dental Cavitations: What are they and how are they treated?

A dental cavitation is a hole in the jawbone, even though “dental” usually refers to the teeth. The more medical term for this is “neuralgia-induced cavitational osteonecrosis”. Cavitations are not cavities, although both are basically holes. Dental cavitations are a serious problem that may be difficult to detect, even on x-rays. Cavitations may not cause […]

What is biological dentistry? Benefits, Cost & What to Expect

Biological dentistry is a revolutionary approach to oral health, as well as whole-body health, that emphasizes prevention and conservative treatment methods. It discourages the use of invasive surgeries, mercury and other toxins, or side effect-laden pharmaceuticals. Utilizing lifestyle changes and non-pharmaceutical treatments, biological dentists can help you prevent diseases from developing or progressing. They also […]

What is the DNA appliance? Benefits for Sleep Apnea & TMJ

The DNA appliance is an oral device that offers gradual, natural, safe, and pain-free relief for sleep apnea and TMJ disorder. The DNA is a must-have for all-natural dental care and oral health.  The DNA appliance is the only true treatment for the root cause of sleep apnea, which is often caused by the tongue […]

Why do people grind their teeth? 10 Causes of Bruxism

People grind their teeth because of various underlying causes. Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a very common medical condition that may point to more serious problems. Symptoms of bruxism include: Worn tooth enamel Tooth damage, in severe cases Tooth sensitivity Broken teeth Damage to dental restorations Facial pain Headaches Earache Jaw pain and soreness Sore jaw […]

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea [Side Effects and more]

Many hidden dangers of sleep apnea are mostly unknown. Sure, it’s easy to find the symptoms of sleep apnea, but what about the long-term side effects? An estimated 9% to 26% of adults in America suffer from sleep apnea, and many cases go undiagnosed. Since untreated sleep apnea can lead to major long-term side effects, […]

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis: Do I have Sleep Apnea?

Ever wonder why you snore? Why your breath is always terrible in the morning? Why your immune system seems unable to fight off illness, even though you’re eating well and exercise? You may want to talk to your doctor about a sleep apnea diagnosis. When you have sleep apnea, your airflow is obstructed or slowed […]

How to Stop Grinding Teeth in Your Sleep [10 Treatments]

Teeth grinding is a condition in which you clench your teeth together with your jaw muscles for various reasons. Grinding your teeth leads to dental problems, facial pain, headaches, and other symptoms. About 16% of adults suffer from nighttime teeth grinding, though I expect there are millions of undiagnosed grinders. You can stop teeth grinding […]

Mask Mouth Tips [How to Avoid Bad Breath & Cavities]

Mask mouth is sour breath caused by wearing a face mask. It’s not just annoying bad breath — it can be a sign of bigger dental health problems. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, face coverings have become a mainstay here in New York and across the globe. With increased mask wearing for extended periods of […]